When you decide to go on vacation, it’s a big deal! Most families save all year for that one special vacation and it means a lot to them, of course. They want it to be perfect, but lets face it, very little in life is perfect. We, at My Mountain Cabin Rentals, will do our best to help to ensure that your vacation is what you want it to be.
The Blue Ridge Mountains run to the south and west from Pennsylvania. This range contains many famous peaks, including the Shenandoahs. Further south toward Virginia, the countryside segues into rolling hills, and then reverts back to mountain terrain in North Carolina, which contains some of the highest peaks in the Eastern United States. In Southern North Carolina the ridge turns west, and continues into North Georgia and Blue Ridge of Fannin County. Here, the Appalachian Range includes the Benton MacKaye on its western ridge and the Appalachian Trail on the eastern ridge.